Our first client to try it was London Honda in London, Ontario.
That’s 9 x Return on Investment!
North American Road-Side Assistance packages available for $12.00 each.
This absolutely worked! We booked a lot of appointments and we posted a record January… and we’re on pace for a record February too.
We were so happy with this campaign that we’re looking to do it again in early summer when we hit another slow time in the shop.
In my opinion, this is something that every Service Department should be looking at doing at least once a year. The Driving Success campaign made it easy and the cost made it a no-brainer. Do yourself a favour and give them a call.
Your customers have dozens of points of contact when they bring in their vehicle for service. Make sure the first one put a smile on their face.
Discounts are a time proven method for creating additional traffic when business is slow. Gamification amplifies the power of that discount. When a customer wins a prize, they become invested in the event and the discount becomes more meaningful than any coupon.
Our scratch and save games will ensure your service bays are billed this month.