December 2021

Front Page

Once again, the past year has been challenging in many ways but in spite of those challenges, we remain hopeful that 2022 will look and feel more like the normal that we remember.

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WCAG Tenure Awards
Celebrating years of service

Each year the West Coast Auto Group recognizes and celebrates its employees who have completed 5, 10, 15, 20 plus more Years of service. These awards are ordinarily presented during an Awards Banquet hosted at one of our local venues.

Flood Relief Efforts in British Columbia
WCAG is proud to support the community

After severe rainfall and floods suddenly impacted the lives of many British Columbians, the West Coast Auto Group has donated to the Canadian Red Cross to support relief efforts in the affected communities.

Strong Start
Benefits of Weight Lifting and Tips for Doing It Right

Also known as resistance training and strength training, weight lifting is a fantastic physical activity that just about anyone can take up. It’s a great way to improve your muscular strength and overall fitness on your way to a healthier lifestyle. Let’s take a look at why it’s so good for you and how to really reap all of the benefits.

Weight Lifting Benefits

Weight lifting has a number of benefits for your daily life. Here are some of the main ones.

1. It’s a functional and practical exercise

Strength training is all about improving the functional movements needed for everyday activities like pushing, pulling, and lifting. You use these movements when, for example, you lift a heavy box or carry groceries. Strengthening your muscles through weight lifting exercises will help you perform these movements more safely and effectively.

2. It will help you burn more calories

Weight lifting is an excellent exercise if you are looking to burn calories, because not only are you burning calories during the exercise itself but for a while afterward as well. After you stop lifting, your body needs time to return to a more restful state. The tougher your workout and the more calories you burn while working out, the more calories you will burn after as well.

3. It will help keep your bones healthy and strong

Bones need to be challenged in order to stay healthy, especially as you grow older. After age 30, you lose a small percentage of bone density every year. Weight lifting and resistance training encourage your bones to stay stronger and remain denser over time.

Weight Lifting Tips and Advice

To get the most out of weightlifting, there are some important tips to keep in mind as you start.

1. Don’t overdo it

It can be tempting to lift too much and do too many repetitions when just starting out, but try to temper your enthusiasm. Begin with a weight that you can comfortably lift for a set of 12 to 15 repetitions until your muscles feel fatigued, and work your way up from there.

2. Focus on proper form

To maximize benefits and minimize injuries, it is important to properly learn and execute the correct form of each lift. You can learn good form by watching videos or, better yet, consulting with a personal trainer. If you can’t keep good form, then decrease your repetitions or lower your weight.

3. Don’t rush it

When you lift, make sure your movements are controlled and unhurried, and take the time to breathe as well. Slowing down and being methodical ensures that you actually engage the correct muscles instead of moving the weight with momentum. Take time to rest between exercises as well.

If you’re looking for a new type of exercise to try, then weight lifting definitely deserves your consideration. Not only will you get stronger and feel healthier, but weight lifting can simply be a fun exercise you look forward to doing. There’s nothing to lose by giving it a try.

Published by® on behalf of West Coast Toyota
Includes copyrighted material of® and its suppliers.