Ruling the Rapids
What to Know About Whitewater Rafting

Whitewater rafting is an exciting summer activity for people of all ability levels. If you’re thinking of going on an excursion, then here’s what you need to know before hitting the rapids.

Cruising down a turbulent river over the white and frothy rapids is a unique and thrilling way to experience nature. Best of all, you don’t need any specialized skills or knowledge–an outfitter will get you all set to head out on the water. But, if this is your first time, then you may have some questions. The following tips can help you feel prepared.

Choose a Professional Rafting Outfitter

You should only take a whitewater rafting trip with a professional and licensed outfitter. Check out their website to get information on how long they have been in business and what their accreditations are. Working with a professional outfitter ensures that all of the necessary safety protocols are followed. Plus, you’re more likely to leave with a cool souvenir like a photograph of you and your party on the water.

Listen to Your Rafting Guide

Professional rafting guides have ample knowledge and experience that they will use to keep you safe, but you have to listen and pay attention when they give instructions. Before even getting in the raft, they will go over everything you need to know. While rafting, your guide will tell you to paddle, paddle harder, paddle only on one side, stop paddling, and lean left or right. Make sure you follow the instructions so that the raft is able to navigate the river obstacles. A successful rafting trip requires the whole team to work together.

Always Keep Your Life Jacket and Helmet On

A professional outfitter will provide you with the necessary safety equipment, including a life jacket and a helmet. You must keep these two key pieces of equipment on at all times. Before you get into the raft, ensure that both are secure. They should fit snugly and all buckles should be clasped. Your guide will check you over before getting in the raft but don’t hesitate to ask if you need assistance or have any questions.

Hold the Paddle by the T-Grip

The way you hold the paddle is very important while whitewater rafting. Keep one hand firmly over the T-grip at the end of the paddle. The grip is made of hard plastic and can cause injuries to you or other rafters if you don’t have a proper hold on it. Your other hand should be on the shaft at the base of the paddle for good control while paddling.

If You Fall In, Keep Your Feet Up

It’s rare, but falling out of the raft and into the river is not unheard of. If this happens, don’t panic. Your lifejacket will keep you afloat, so all you have to worry about is keeping your feet up and away from the rocks under the water. The best position is to lay on your back with your knees slightly bent and arms out to control your movement. Your guide will get to you as soon as possible.

The thrill of braving a rapid river makes whitewater rafting a great summertime activity. If you have the chance to go, don’t pass it up. It’s a fun and unique experience that you won’t soon forget.

Published by® on behalf of West Coast Toyota
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