December 2018

Cover Page

Happy Holidays!
And our Holiday Hours

From all the staff at the West Coast Auto Group, we wish you and your family a Safe & Happy Holiday Season!

Merry Christmas!



Mon Dec 24 9-5
Tue Dec 25 closed
Wed Dec 26 Service closed
Wed Dec 26 Sales 11 - 5
Mon Dec 31 9-5
Tue Jan 1 closed


Practical Promises
Simple New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

By choosing more manageable resolutions that will be easier to keep, you can start making significant changes in your life one step at a time. It may be a challenge when you initially start out, but stick with your resolutions for the first couple of weeks and they will turn into habits. Here are some suggestions.

Eat Less Junk Food
Among the most commonly broken resolutions are those about healthy eating because it’s hard to overhaul your whole diet at once. Start small and focus on making better decisions about healthier eating on a case-by-case basis. For example, if you pass by some chips on sale on your way to the till at the grocery store, make the conscious choice to say “no” and keep right on walking.

Eat at Least One Piece of Fruit a Day
Another way to develop healthier eating habits is to commit to eating at least one piece of fruit every day. You’ll be getting all of the important nutrients in the fruit and you’ll find yourself snacking on junk food less often as well.

Go to Bed Earlier
Making a resolution to “wake up earlier” can be tricky, especially if you don’t take the steps to adjust your nighttime schedule. Focusing instead on heading to bed a little earlier every night will naturally help you rise earlier as well.

Drink More Water
Water is crucial for the healthy functioning of all of your bodily systems, and drinking more water is one of the easiest lifestyle changes you can make. Consider buying a water bottle that you can carry around with you, downloading an app that tracks your water intake, or setting alarms throughout the day. Before long, you’ll simply learn how to be more mindful of drinking more water.

Keep Up with Friends and Family
It’s understandable if you lead a busy life that doesn’t leave much room for seeing friends and family, but there’s always time to check in with those you love. Thanks to modern technology, giving someone a quick call or sending a message to ask how they are doing is easy and takes only a moment.

Start Meditating
Making a resolution to start meditating is easy to keep because it doesn’t require anything special beyond a comfy place to sit. Don’t worry about doing it “right” or about how meditation is “supposed” to be done. Find a meditation routine that you enjoy or simply sit in calm silence for a few minutes each day.

Learn Something New This Year
Finally, consider tasking yourself with learning at least one new thing this year. Some popular examples include taking up a sport, learning how to play a musical instrument, or learning a new language. You can set weekly and monthly goals to track your progress. It will be great to look back at the end of the year and see how far you’ve come.

The New Year is a fantastic time to start working towards a new and improved you. By first learning how to make small but significant changes in your life with practical resolutions, you’ll develop the tools to work towards even larger ones.

Published by on behalf of West Coast Toyota
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