October 2022

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Orchard Outing
Your Guide to Fall Apple Picking

The fall season is a great time to get outdoors, and one of the best ways to do it is by going apple picking! Now that the scorching summer heat has passed and the air is pleasantly cool, it’s the perfect time to grab a basket and spend an afternoon filling it up with perfectly ripe apples. If you have never been apple picking before, then here are some tips to ensure a successful day.

Finding an Apple Orchard

Families looking to go apple-picking can likely find a few apple orchards located near them via a quick google search. It might be a bit of a drive out of the city, but it’s a great opportunity to spend some quality time together. To choose an orchard, check out the websites and social media pages of your options. Consider what apple varieties are available for picking and whether the orchard is offering other fun activities like hayrides or apple cider tastings.

Top Apple-Picking Tips

Once you’ve made it to the orchard, now comes the fun part: getting to pick the apples! Here are the top tips for bringing home the freshest and most delicious fruit:

• Picked apples stop ripening, so make sure you only take those that are ready to eat.
• Choose apples that are firm to the touch and free of bruises and nicks.
• Pick from the outside of the tree to the inside. Apples on the outer branches of the tree are the first to ripen, so pick those first if they haven’t been picked already.
• Don’t shake the branches–pick apples directly from the tree instead. Shaking the branches can cause many apples to fall and bruise at once, possibly leading to spoilage.
• When picking an apple, don’t pull straight. Instead, rotate it upwards and give it a little twist. Ripe apples should easily come right off.

How to Store Your Apples

Any fresh apples that you bring home can be left out for a few days at room temperature. If you picked too many to eat right away or you want to save some to bake and cook with, then you can extend their shelf life by storing them in the refrigerator. Ideally, you should keep the apples in a separate compartment, as they release ethylene gas that can cause other fruits and vegetables to ripen and spoil faster.

How to Use Your Apples

Apples are easily one of the most versatile fruits: there’s just no end to the various ways you can serve them up and enjoy them! Why not fill your home with the smell of some of your favourite fall desserts like apple pie, apple strudel, apple cobbler, apple crunch, or apple crisp? Apples also go great with dinner dishes like cinnamon apple pork chops. Best of all, you can always enjoy them on their own as a healthy snack.

Apple picking is a fun and rewarding activity for the whole family. Find an orchard near you and enjoy a day in the crisp fall air before you enjoy some more time transforming your harvest into goodies.

Published by DrivingSuccess.ca® on behalf of West Coast Toyota
Includes copyrighted material of DrivingSuccess.ca® and its suppliers.