February 2019

Cover Page

Dealer of the Year Awards
We won 2019 Dealer of the Year!

West Coast Toyota has won 2019 Dealer of the Year thanks to you, our customers.

Introducing Mac Browett
Jr. Parts Advisor

The newest member of the Toyota parts department is Jr. Parts Advisor Mac Browett. Mac started with us as a lot attendant in 2016 at West Coast KIA, he then transferred to West Coast Toyota in June of 2017 right before we opened the doors to our newly renovated facility.


Food for Fitness
What to Eat Before and After a Workout

The right food will provide you with the fuel to get through a workout without feeling fatigued as well as with the fuel to help your body recover and build muscle after a workout. Workout nutrition tends to focus on protein and carbohydrates, though in different types and amounts for pre- and post-workout meals and snacks. Here is a guide for what to eat both before and after a workout.

What to Eat Before a Workout

Not eating before a workout can cause you to feel nauseous and lightheaded, and may even make you stop sooner than you planned. You’ll want to eat between 30 minutes to three hours prior to working out in order to give your body a chance to digest. Foods that are high in fat or fibre are best avoided close to a workout as they can cause cramping or an upset stomach. To boost your performance and sustain your energy levels, fuel up with a combination of carbohydrates and protein.

Carbohydrates break down into glucose when digested, providing your body with a quick source of energy. Before a workout, you should focus on eating simple carbohydrates that can be digested quickly. Some examples of great snacks or foods you can include into your pre-workout meal or snack include fruit, oatmeal, toast, Greek yogurt, crackers, and trail mix.

A small amount of easily digestible protein before a workout is also important for repairing your muscles while you exercise, especially if you are doing weight training. Choose sources of protein such as hardboiled eggs, nuts, turkey, salmon, and milk. Greek yogurt is also a good source of both carbohydrates and protein.

What to Eat After a Workout

Eating something within an hour of a workout is necessary for replenishing your body’s energy reserves and for helping your muscles recover properly, especially after strength training or a high-intensity endurance workout. It’s also important for replenishing your electrolytes and helping you rehydrate. If you’re not hungry enough for a full meal, then have at least a snack ready. Your post-workout meal or snack should be high in both protein and complex carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates break down slower than simple ones and can be found in foods such as brown rice, quinoa, nuts, and whole wheat bread. For a snack, you’ll want to choose something that contains at least 10 grams of protein and about triple the amount of carbohydrates. Chocolate milk is actually a fantastic recovery snack because it has carbs and protein in an ideal ratio.

If you’re hungrier for more than a snack, then here are some post-workout meal suggestions:
• Toast and scrambled eggs
• Whole grain turkey or chicken breast wrap
• Salmon with roasted vegetables
• Brown rice, skinless chicken breast, and vegetables

Being mindful of what you eat and getting enough exercise are keys to a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Maximize the effort you put in at the gym by making sure your body is getting what it needs both before and after a workout.

Published by DrivingSuccess.ca on behalf of West Coast Toyota
Includes copyrighted material of DrivingSuccess.ca and its suppliers.