Bringing the Green Inside
5 Best Plants to Grow Indoors

The approach of fall means it’s almost time to clean up your outdoor plants. To keep enjoying greenery indoors during the colder time of year, pick up some plants that grow inside!

Indoor plants not only make a great decorative addition to your home, but they can help create a more relaxing space as well. Over the winter, the lush greenery can also help keep things feeling fresh. Best of all, many of the most popular indoor plants are very easy to take care of and can often even take a bit of neglect. Here are five plants that will grow easily indoors and instantly enhance any room.

1. Snake Plant

Snake plant is popular both for its excellent hardiness and attractive appearance. This plant features sword-like stiff leaves with green stripes and a yellow border that grow straight up to a height anywhere from six inches to several feet. Snake plants will grow even if positioned in a dark corner and have a reputation for being nearly indestructible. All you really have to watch out for is overwatering!

2. Pothos

Pothos is another hardy plant that won’t get mad at you even if you forget to water it for a while. This trailing vine has charming, heart-shaped green leaves that sometimes feature pale striations or are variegated with yellow or white. Pothos is happy in both bright and low light and almost any kind of soil. Its nickname, devil’s ivy, denotes its ability to survive virtually all conditions. It’s also a good way to remember to keep this one away from your pets!

3. Dracaena

Dracaena is a colourful plant with strap-like foliage that comes in a variety of cultivars. Some stay relatively small and bush-like while others more closely resemble a tree. No matter the variety, the leaves are always upright. Dracaena is also quite an easy plant to care for and will do well in most light conditions besides direct sunlight. Unfortunately, this plant is toxic to pets, so keep it away from your furry family members.

4. Spider Plant

The spider plant gets its name from its offshoots of small white flowers, which resemble spiders and are called “pups.” These shoots can be replanted if you want to use the plant in other rooms or even gift it to your friends. Spider plants flourish in bright, indirect light but will grow well in almost any indoor conditions. Regular watering will keep the plant happy and healthy, just be careful not to overwater.

5. Aloe Vera

A member of the succulent family, aloe vera is known for its distinctively thick and long leaves that contain a gel with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The soothing substance can help with minor burns and rashes, just take care not to cut more than a third of the leaf at once. Aloe vera is well-suited to warm indoor temperatures and only requires weekly watering.

There’s no need to say goodbye to fresh greenery in the fall. In fact, it’s a great time to enhance your home with some beautiful and easy-care indoor plants that don’t demand much and offer a lot in return.

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