Birding for Beginners
Tips and Tricks for Fledgeling Birdwatchers

Bird watching–more commonly referred to as birding by those who take part in it–is a beloved pastime only growing in popularity today. About one-fifth of Canadians enjoy this relaxing hobby, and for many good reasons. Some love spending time outdoors, some like the social aspect, and some see it as a scavenger hunt for different bird species.

There are great birding spots just about everywhere, and modern technology like smartphones and digital photography makes it even easier to do. Here are some tips to help you get started.

Start Close to Home

The simplest way to begin birding is with a backyard birdfeeder or two. This will help you become familiar with the birds in your neighbourhood, which you can then look out for on your neighbourhood walks or visits to local parks. You might be surprised by the diversity of bird species that visit your yard, even in the middle of the city.

Get Help from Field Guides and Apps

You can find many local field guides online or in bookstores detailing the birds that are common in your area. There are also some fantastic apps available that you can use on your smartphone, like Merlin Bird ID by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. These guides and apps will walk you through the process of identifying different bird species.

Get the Right Gear

A big part of what makes birding so accessible is that you don’t need much in terms of gear. In fact, you can go bird watching with nothing but a good pair of walking shoes. Of course, having at least a pair of binoculars is always preferred, as they will allow you to get a closer look and help you make an accurate ID. Some birders also use something called a spotting scope, which is essentially a miniature telescope with legs, to take in even more from a further distance.

Join the Local Community

Birding communities are very welcoming to newcomers and always eager to show novice birders the ropes. Most places in Canada have birding clubs that you can join–just search online for birding groups or clubs near you. Chances are that these clubs even have a social media presence. Instagram, for example, is brimming with bird photography. Getting involved is easy, and other passionate birders are a great source of more tips, tricks, and information.

Brush Up on Birding Ethics

The birding community takes a strong ethical stance to ensure that their hobby does not harm the birds or their environment. Canadian birders endorse The American Birding Association’s Code of Birding Ethics, which includes reducing your impact by not stressing birds or exposing them to danger. Make sure you are especially cautious around nesting, roosting, and feeding sites.

There’s never a bad time to start birding. Get outdoors, get to know the beautiful birds in your neighbourhood, and maybe even get to know your community better by picking up this fun and easy hobby.

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