Cut Your Cooling Costs
Energy-Saving Tips for the Summer

On hot summer days, you probably crank up the air conditioner to find relief. Unfortunately, this can cost a pretty penny. Stay cool and save money by taking steps to save energy.

The last two decades have seen some of the hottest summers on record–a trend that doesn’t seem to be slowing down. For many households, this also translates into a higher cost for cooling their home. If you want to stay cool and comfortable but also don’t want to pay a small fortune, then you can try these energy-saving tips to cut your total cooling costs.

Keep Your Air Conditioner Maintained

Poorly maintained air conditioners run less efficiently and cost more money to operate as a result. Make sure you have your unit serviced on a regular basis by a professional who can check that the heat pump, coils, fins, and evaporative cooler are in good working condition. There are even some maintenance tasks you can carry out yourself, like vacuuming the air vents and making sure that nothing is blocking the airflow. Most importantly of all: replacing the air filters as often as the manufacturer recommends is the easiest way to keep the unit running effectively and efficiently.

Make Use of Fans

Fans are much cheaper to run than air conditioning units. While they might not create cold air, they do move the air around and create a wind-chill effect that helps the room feel more comfortable. You can pair your fans with your air conditioning to help take some of the pressure off the unit. A ceiling fan is particularly effective in this regard. If you have one, make sure you set it to spin in a counterclockwise direction in the summer to push the air down.

Keep Your Blinds Closed

Direct sunlight streaming into your windows can drastically increase the temperature inside your home. The best way to keep it out is to simply close the blinds. Investing in good drapes will enhance your comfort and reduce your energy bill over the long term. Blackout drapes are great for keeping the bedroom nice and cool and letting you sleep in a little longer on your days off.

Switch to LED Bulbs

If you still have incandescent bulbs installed in your home, then it’s high time to switch it up with some LEDs. LED light bulbs use significantly less energy, cost much less to run, and last much longer. Best of all, because they produce very little waste heat, they won’t be contributing to the buildup of heat inside your home. They’ll help you stay cooler in the summer and save you money year-round.

Improve Your Home Insulation

Upgrading your home insulation isn’t just a winter tip. Reducing air exchange with the outside will also stop heat from infiltrating your home and keep the cool air inside, where you want it. You don’t even have to undergo a large renovation to see significant savings–some simple weather-stripping and caulking around doors and windows can drastically cut down on drafts and air leakage, meaning that your air conditioner won’t have to work as hard.

Get set for the summer heat before it really arrives. By making a few easy changes to your home and to your habits, you’ll be able to save some energy without sacrificing your comfort.

Published by® on behalf of West Coast Toyota
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