September 2018

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Bright Living
How to Increase Natural Light in Your Home

There are numerous benefits to inviting more natural light into your home, chief among them energy savings and a boost to your mood. Here are some tips on how to create a brighter home without needing to undergo any major renovations.

Paint your walls and ceiling white
This may seem like an obvious tip, but it’s one very much worth emphasizing. A light interior wall and ceiling colour will reflect most of the natural light that enters the room. A glossy sheen will also help bounce more light around than a matte finish. You don’t necessarily have to go pure white to get the desired effect, either. An off-white shade will usually do the trick.

Use glass tile in the kitchen
Just like white paint, installing glass tile on your kitchen backsplash will cause the natural light that enters the space to reflect and bounce around, brightening up the area. Glossy ceramic tiles can be a good option as well. Installing new tile does require a minor home renovation, but one that many homeowners will feel is worthwhile to help enhance the brightness of their home.

Stick to light, neutral colour decor
Just like dark wall paint, dark furniture and decor will absorb light and make a room feel darker and smaller. Use lighter, more neutral colour home decor if you can. Not only will it enhance the levels of light in the room, but it will also be easier to create a cohesive design scheme featuring light and neutral colours.

Reposition the furniture
Even if your large pieces of furniture aren’t directly blocking the windows, they may still be casting shadows and limiting the amount of sunlight that could potentially fill the room. Try to imagine if there might be a way to position your furniture which still maintains the functionality of the space but allows more light to reach more areas as well.

Make use of mirrors
To really maximize on how much light is reflected around your home, make use of mirrors and other reflective, metallic wall decorations. Mirrors work great both opposite and adjacent to windows. Not only can mirrors make a room seem brighter, but they can make it feel larger as well.

Prune back landscaping
Finally, some homes don’t receive a whole lot of light simply because trees or large bushes are blocking the windows. While landscaping in front of the windows is great for privacy, it can really cut down on how much sunlight filters in. You don’t have to remove your landscaping entirely, but try to strategically trim back any trees or bushes so that you retain your privacy but also welcome a bit more sunlight in.

A little more natural light can make a big difference when it comes to how warm, inviting, and spacious your home feels. By using the simple tricks described above, you can really transform your home into a space where you and your guests enjoy spending time.

Published by on behalf of West Coast Toyota
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