July 2021

Cover Page

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Eddie Krajsek
Employee Spotlight

This month, we are featuring one of our Nissan Master Certified Technicians, Eddie Krajsek in our employee spotlight!

Current Parts and Service hours
8 – 5:30 Monday to Friday
8:30 – 5:00 Saturday
Closed Sunday


Reopening Readiness
How to Manage Post-Pandemic Anxiety

With the end of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions in sight, not everyone is quite ready to embrace the return to normal. Many people may find themselves needing some time to adjust.

Vaccine effectiveness and wide-scale rollouts have created a rapidly changing landscape and an imminent sense that we will soon get back to living as before. However, recent surveys have shown that just over half of Canadians are anxious about society opening up again. If you are struggling with post-pandemic anxiety, you certainly aren’t alone. Thankfully, there are also some effective strategies you can take to help manage it.

Know That Your Feelings Are Normal

First, it can help to know that your feelings are normal and that a lot of other people are feeling the same way. The prospect of increased social interaction after over a year of severely limiting your contacts can seem pretty daunting. Going back to a normal work routine, resuming social hobbies, visiting restaurants and movie theatres, and attending concerts or sporting events might feel like a dramatic shift as well.

While many people will likely adapt fairly quickly, the change may be more difficult for those with pre-existing anxiety and other mental health problems. Those who were directly affected by COVID-19 will also have understandable trepidation about reopening.

Go at Your Own Pace

Acknowledging your anxieties can help you feel more confident about returning to normal at your own pace. It is important to work through your anxieties so that you can feel comfortable with daily life again, but it doesn’t have to happen all at once. It is okay to ask others to respect and honour your level of risk tolerance. For example, you may not be up to an indoor gathering right away, but you wouldn’t mind seeing friends and family at a backyard BBQ.

Follow Public Health Guidelines

Just as we listened to the advice of public health experts when it came to masking, social distancing, and pandemic restrictions, it is essential to keep listening to them now. While your anxiety might be telling you that it isn’t safe to resume certain normal activities, deferring to the experts is a much better and less stressful course of action. Listen to the rationale and the evidence behind current public health guidelines to put your mind at ease.

Don’t Hesitate to Seek Professional Help

If you feel that your anxiety about reopening is interfering with your daily life or causing too much distress, then there is nothing wrong with seeking the help of a professional. Though it is important to go at your own pace, that may not be possible in all situations, such as work or school. A mental health professional can teach you strategies for managing your anxiety as you start resuming regular activities.

Just as adjusting to COVID-19 took some time, adapting to the post-pandemic world will as well. A return to normal life will look different for everyone, so take the steps that you feel comfortable with when you feel comfortable with them, and ask for help when you need it.

Published by DrivingSuccess.ca® on behalf of West Coast Nissan
Includes copyrighted material of DrivingSuccess.ca® and its suppliers.