February 2019

Cover Page

Cabin Filter Replacement Special
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Employee Spotlight
Patrick Stankiewicz

This month the Employee Spotlight is on Patrick Stankiewicz; one of our highly trained Technicians. Patrick has been working at West Coast Nissan for over 6 years. When he first started he was a Lot Attendant and then went to school to become an apprentice. This year Patrick became a fully licensed Technician and we are so excited to have him as a part of our Service Team!

This month at West Coast Nissan the Top Salesperson was Thomas Byrne! This does not come to much of a surprise to many as Thomas continues to provide exceptional customer service to all of his customers. He has a high repeat referral rate and prides himself on providing a high level of customer service. Customers thoroughly enjoy dealing with Thomas and have many kind things to say about the experience he provides.


Money Management
Simple Tips to Get Your Budget Back on Track

Having a budget is important but sticking to one can be a challenge. Thankfully, there are a few simple things that you can do to better manage your finances, limit your spending, and save some extra money every month. Everyone’s situation is unique, but these six tips can help you get started.

1) Make a plan for paying off your credit card debt

Has your spending outpaced your income for the past few months? It’s time to sit down, take a look at your credit card balances, and make a plan for paying them off. Figure out how much you need to set aside for at least the minimum payments every month, and consider putting any extra money towards paying off the card with the highest interest rate the fastest. Once you’ve paid off that one, you can move on to paying off the card with the next-highest rate and so on.

2) Update your budget with new expenses

Even if you already have a budget that you have been using to manage your spending, it is important to update your budget with any new expenses once in a while. Perhaps you have added a few new monthly subscriptions or your insurance rates have changed. Try to update your budget as you go but take a moment at least once a year to make sure that it reflects your current financial situation.

3) Carry cash to limit everyday spending

Many people find it harder to part with cash than to tap a piece of plastic. Consider taking out a set amount of cash per week or month and try to use it for everyday purchases. You may find yourself leaving more items on the shelf knowing you’ll have to set down more cash for them.

4) Limit how often you eat out

It is generally much more economical to cook your own meals at home than to eat out, even at more affordable fast food restaurants. You can definitely budget for eating out once in a while but, if your goal is to save money, then dining at home is the way to go. You’ll be wasting less food as well, which is a problem in many households.

5) Go generic at your grocery store

Grocery stores offer a variety of different items under their in-house brands, and these items are typically more affordable than brand-name goods. Plus, they typically have similar – if not identical – ingredients and materials. You can find all sorts of generic foodstuffs and household items at your local grocery store.

6) Look for deals online

Another way to save money on everyday household items is to shop online, where you can find everything from shampoo and conditioner to hand soap and detergent. Better prices, free shipping, and items delivered straight to your door make for more economical and convenient shopping.

When getting a handle on your budget, it can help to try many different tips and see what works well. As you keep a closer eye on your finances, you’ll be able to, over time, identify the money management strategies that are best for you.

Published by DrivingSuccess.ca on behalf of West Coast Nissan
Includes copyrighted material of DrivingSuccess.ca and its suppliers.