September 2018

Cover Page

Employee Spotlight
Deb Parry Vehicle Clerk

This month the Employee Spotlight is on Deb Parry, our Vehicle Clerk at West Coast Nissan. Deb has been working with us for over 5 years and is such a wonderful asset to our team.

Thomas Byrne was the Top Sales Person for the month of August! Thomas takes care of our customer with his exceptional customer service and knowledge. He has a very high repeat referral rate, which is understandable as he makes every single customer feel as though they are his friends.

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Healthy Education
How to Avoid Back-To-School Illnesses

The early school year is a prime time for children to contract a variety of common illnesses. Thankfully, there are some simple steps you can take for a healthier back-to-school season.

Children tend to be more susceptible to germs and viruses because their immune systems haven’t had much time to build up yet. Being put in close quarters with many other children further increases their likelihood of developing a cold, flu, or other illnesses. Viruses and germs then get passed to other family members and make their way through the community. The key to keeping your child from getting sick is to make sure they are properly prepared for the school environment in the following ways.

Up-To-Date Vaccines

Preventing an illness is always better than trying to treat it after-the-fact, and that’s why we have vaccines. While there is, unfortunately, no vaccine for the common cold, you should make sure that your child is up-to-date with all of their other recommended vaccines to help them ward off a variety of unpleasant illnesses that they might encounter at school, such as chickenpox and measles. Healthcare professionals also highly recommend that every member of your family receive the yearly flu shot.

Good Hygiene

You can’t monitor what your child will be touching throughout the school day, but you can at least take confidence in knowing that you’ve taught them the importance of washing their hands. Instruct them to always use soap and to thoroughly scrub their hands all over for about 20 seconds. This is one of the simplest but most effective methods of keeping your child from getting sick. Tell them that they should always wash their hands after using the bathroom and before eating meals, and to avoid touching their face if their hands are not clean.

Hygiene also extends to what your child chooses to share with others. Sharing is rightfully encouraged in schools, but tell your child that it’s okay for them not to share items such as lip balms and hand lotions, and that they shouldn’t ask to use other children’s personal hygiene products either. It is also very important that they understand not to share food among multiple people and especially not to share drinks, as this is one of the main ways that germs are spread.

Healthy Habits

Just like adults, kids need to lead healthy, balanced lifestyles if their immune system is going to be strong enough to ward off illnesses. Of course, it’s up to you to teach your little one the habits that will help them stay healthy. It all starts with making sure they get enough sleep for their immune system to function properly. School-aged children require about nine to 11 hours of sleep a night, so set a strict bedtime and help them stick to it. A well-balanced diet with limited sugary snacks and drinks is also crucial for keeping illnesses at bay and helping your child grow up healthy and strong. Plus, don’t forget to encourage your child to get enough exercise. Enrolling them in extracurricular activities is an easy way to limit time spent on the computer and in front of the television.

Despite your best efforts, there is always a chance that your child may get sick. If this happens, it is important to let them stay home while they recover so that they don’t infect other children. Make sure they get plenty of rest and see a doctor if need be. Once they are back on their feet, remind them to keep up their hygiene and good habits so that they can stay happy and healthy for the rest of the school year.

Published by on behalf of West Coast Nissan
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