July 2021

Cover Page

Its Hot!
Get your A/C checked today

Eddie Krajsek
Employee Spotlight

This month, we are featuring one of our Nissan Master Certified Technicians, Eddie Krajsek in our employee spotlight!

Current Parts and Service hours
8 – 5:30 Monday to Friday
8:30 – 5:00 Saturday
Closed Sunday


Giving Back
Tips for Getting Started with Volunteering

Volunteering is a wonderful way to get involved in your community and feel like you are making a difference. Best of all, getting started is easier than you might think.

As society starts to open up again, you may be looking for things to do outside the house. Perhaps you also want a way to give back to the community. Volunteering is a worthwhile pursuit that not only helps others but offers many personal benefits as well. It is a highly rewarding experience that can build confidence, skills, connections, a sense of belonging, and a sense of well being.

If you would like to start volunteering but aren’t sure how to begin, here is a look at where to find opportunities and how to choose the right ones.

Where to Find Volunteer Opportunities

To start volunteering, you have to find a place that needs volunteers! Luckily, there are many community spaces that could usually use some help, including:

  • Homeless shelters: Homeless shelters usually have many different types of volunteer positions available, like serving food, answering phones, organizing drives, and more.
  • Animal shelters: Animal shelters rely on their dedicated volunteers to provide everything from administrative help to walking dogs and caring for the animals.
  • Schools: If you have school-aged children, consider volunteering with sports programs and school clubs that almost always need extra hands to run effectively.
  • Sports teams: Sports teams not affiliated with your child’s school likely welcome volunteer help from parents as well, and it’s a great way to get more involved with your child’s activities.
  • Retirement homes: Retirement homes offer many rewarding volunteer opportunities, like reading books, teaching a class, or just providing companionship to the residents.
  • Libraries: Libraries use volunteers for everything from organizing bookshelves and assisting library visitors to helping with events and daily operations.

How to Choose Volunteer Opportunities

Some volunteer positions may be better suited to your strengths and preferences than others. Asking yourself these three questions can help you choose the right one.

1. What do you hope to get out of it?

First, it’s important to be clear about why you want to volunteer. Maybe your main goal is to help others, but it’s also fine if you are looking to make friends, create community connections, or pick up a new skill. Be clear with what you want and choose a volunteer position to match.

2. What causes are you passionate about?

If you are going to devote your time to something, then it should be something you genuinely care about. Perhaps you like animals, you enjoy helping children, or you just really want to see your neighbourhood thrive. The more specific you can get with your interests, the more easily you can find a volunteer opportunity suited to you.

3. What do you have to offer?

Volunteering is ultimately about providing benefit to your community, so take some time to think about what you have to offer. Are you handy with a hammer or good with the computer? Make a list of different skills you can bring to the table to show a prospective organization.

If you have been wanting to get more involved in your community, then volunteering is a great place to start, especially as pandemic restrictions ease. With so many different volunteer opportunities available, you should be able to find a position that is suitable for you.

Published by DrivingSuccess.ca® on behalf of West Coast Nissan
Includes copyrighted material of DrivingSuccess.ca® and its suppliers.