July 2021

Cover Page

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Eddie Krajsek
Employee Spotlight

This month, we are featuring one of our Nissan Master Certified Technicians, Eddie Krajsek in our employee spotlight!

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8 – 5:30 Monday to Friday
8:30 – 5:00 Saturday
Closed Sunday


Floating Fun
How to Stay Safe When Recreating on the River

Floating down the river is a popular summer activity and a great way to enjoy a lazy afternoon. Help ensure a fun and successful experience by staying safe on the water.

Whether your choice of craft is a canoe, kayak, raft, or tube, there’s no better way to spend a perfect summer day than cruising down a calm river. However, any water activities carry a level of risk that you need to prepare for. Here are ten tips to help you stay safe on the water.

1. Have a plan

Before you even get near the water, you should always have a plan. Decide where you will enter and exit the river, how you will get there, and how you will get back. Make sure that someone who isn’t coming with you is aware of the plan so that they know where you should be and when.

2. Don’t go alone

While someone onshore should be aware of your plan, you should also have someone floating along with you. River activities aren’t meant to be done solo, and floating is a lot more fun with a friend.

3. Wear a life jacket

Depending on where you live, a life jacket may be mandatory for accessing the river. Regardless, you should always wear a properly fitted life jacket for your size and weight, even if you are a strong swimmer.

4. Check the forecast

Always check the forecast before you go on the river. Storms and strong winds can greatly increase hazards and make it much harder to swim. If the forecast isn’t looking good, it is best to reschedule.

5. Use sun protection

Floating down a river leaves you exposed to the sun, so take steps to protect yourself from the harsh beams. Wearing sunscreen is a must, and a hat and sunglasses are highly recommended. Don’t let a sunburn or overheating put a damper on your day.

6. Bring water and refreshments

Another way to protect yourself from the summer heat is to make sure you stay hydrated. Bring enough water for the trip and, if you will be floating for a long time, consider packing snacks as well.

7. Watch for hazards

Floating down a river is a relatively easy task, but you still need to be alert and keep your eye out for hazards so that you can safely navigate around them. This may include gravel bars, bridge abutments, and other people that are also using the river.

8. Don’t use alcohol

Alcohol will reduce your ability to stay alert and react appropriately to hazards. Even floating slowly down a river might require concentration and a quick reaction time. When you are heading out on the water, it is essential to stay sober.

9. Don’t tie rafts together

If your group is using multiple rafts to float down the river, don’t tie them together. Your floats can get wrapped around hazards like docks and abutments, which may cause them to flip over.

10. Pack a safety kit

Finally, don’t launch your watercraft without a safety kit to help you get out of dangerous situations. Make sure it includes a paddle to help steer, a whistle to call for help in case of emergency, and a towing line that can be used to rescue others or pull yourself to safety.

Water safety is crucial to consider when accessing the river, and thankfully it isn’t too hard to ensure. By taking the right precautions, you can get the most out of your day on the water.

Published by DrivingSuccess.ca® on behalf of West Coast Nissan
Includes copyrighted material of DrivingSuccess.ca® and its suppliers.