October 2021

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Get your Winter Tires
Order & book your appointment today

Due to a shortage of Winter tires this year we are reminding everyone a bit early to think about your tire situation! Plan ahead and avoid being stuck in the snow! For more information on tires please contact our Parts department or to book an appointment to have your Winter tires installed please contact our Service Department!

Meet Alexander Woods
Employee Spotlight

Join us in welcoming Alexander Woods, our new Financial Services Manager to West Coast Nissan!

Distanced Trick-Or-Treating
5 Halloween Candy Delivery System Ideas

Our second fall with the COVID-19 pandemic means that it’s the second year Halloween is going to have to look a little different. If trick-or-treating is happening in your area, then you are going to want to find ways to hand out candy while keeping your distance. Here are five ideas for easy-to-make candy delivery systems that will still let you hand out sweets.

1. Distanced goodie bags

The simplest way to give out candy in a socially distanced manner is to space out individual bags of candy on a table, a bench, or even just the steps of your porch that kids can come and pick up themselves. This avoids putting out a communal bowl that would encourage many little hands to touch all the candy!

2. Set up a chute

Send your candy zooming down a fun chute into children’s hands or candy bags this Halloween. Any long cylinder will do the trick as long as it is wide enough to accommodate the candy, like a PVC pipe or a shipping tube. Chutes are easy to install if you have a railing, but with a bit of ingenuity, you should be able to set one up just about anywhere. Best of all, you can then decorate the chute to your heart’s content using Halloween decor like spider webs, fake spiders, and spooky stickers.

3. Build a zipline

Don’t have a railing but have some strings and pulleys laying around? Consider building a candy zipline with a basket that you can load up with treats before sending it over to the trick-or-treaters. You can build it to any length you like, allowing you to stay well distanced. In addition to the candy basket, you can also hang other decorations from the line so that they travel along with the candy, such as a ghost that flutters in the breeze.

4. Hang ’em up

Another easy way to make sure kids can come to pick up their candy while social distancing is to hang up some bags of candy in your front yard. There are a number of possible methods you can use for this, including hanging them from your railing, from a tree, or even from a clothesline if you don’t have any other readily available features. Kids can then come along and have a fun time picking out the bag they want.

5. Remote-control delivery

If you have a fairly smooth pathway leading up to your home, then why not deliver candy via a remote control car? Rig up a way to keep the candy secure on the car, and then post up by your front door and send the car racing towards any trick-or-treaters who approach. The kids will certainly get a kick out of it.

While you have to make some adjustments to Halloween again this year, it doesn’t mean it can’t be a fun and memorable night. In fact, a unique candy delivery system can be extra entertaining for the little ones, so decide which one is best for your home and get building!

Published by DrivingSuccess.ca® on behalf of West Coast Nissan
Includes copyrighted material of DrivingSuccess.ca® and its suppliers.