August 2019

Cover Page

Employee Spotlight
Patrick Choi - Financial Services Manager

This month the employee spotlight is on Patrick Choi one of our Financial Service Managers. Patrick comes to West Coast Nissan with previous automotive experience and we are happy to have him as a part of our team.

Top Sales Person of the Month
Thomas Byrne, Assistant Sales Manager

This month Thomas Byrne was our Top Sales Person for the seventh consecutive month. Thomas has many strengths and abilities that allow him to consecutively lead the sales department. He even took two weeks off of work and came out ahead. His customer service is second to none and he loves to get his customers into their dream vehicle. He truly has a passion for people and provides customers with ease when making a big decision.


Driving in Extreme Heat
Read This Before Hitting the Road This Summer

As temperatures rise, so do your chances of encountering car trouble, ruining your once-a-year getaway. To help keep you out of trouble, follow these useful tips:

Before Hitting the Road in Extreme Heat

  • Check your cooling system (or have a professional do it). Make sure you have enough coolant in the tank, but also consider having your system flushed and refilled — especially if you can’t remember the last time you had that done. Experts recommend this service about every 24 months. Don’t forget to examine the hoses and belts under the hood and even your radiator cap. It should be on tight enough to maintain the system’s pressure.
  • Gauge your tires. You should check your tire pressure (including the spare) once a month, before driving. They’re sensitive to heat, which can increase pressure and the risk of a blowout.
  • Test your AC. You don’t want your air conditioning to fail during a warm-weather drive, so have a mechanic take a look if it’s starting to get weak.

On the Road (and in the Parking Lot) When the Weather’s Hot

  • Carry an emergency kit. Every car needs emergency supplies. Make sure you have plenty of water in case you get stranded.
  • Remember that it gets hot inside, too. The temperature inside a car can rise incredibly quickly on a warm day. When it’s 90 degrees outside, it can take just 10 minutes for a car’s interior to hit 110 or higher. So don’t ever leave children or pets in a parked car (even in the shade) when it’s warm out, and bring a cooler bag with some ice packs if you’re grocery shopping. You should even be careful when getting into your car after it’s been in the sun. Those seatbelt buckles are hot!
  • Keep kids and pets hydrated. It’s typically warmer in the back seat and cargo areas of SUVs, wagons and minivans, so make sure passengers are getting some air, and bring plenty of water and snacks.
  • Keep your gas tank full (or close to it). Hot weather can sometimes bring power outages, which could prevent you from filling up when you really need it.
  • Have an electric car? Watch the weather. Research has shown that extreme weather, hot or cold, can have a significant impact on the batteries of electric cars. In some instances, your travel range could drop by 40 per cent or more.

What to Do If Your Vehicle Overheats

  • Turn off your AC and turn on your heat. Doing both can help take some stress off your engine and get you a LITTLE further down the road.
  • Pull over where it’s safe. If your temperature dial shoots up, or you start seeing water or steam coming from under the hood, stop the car and call for help. Do not keep driving!
  • Be careful! Everything under the hood is likely painfully hot! And NEVER open the radiator cap when your car is hot – especially when it is overheating! You will likely unleash a torrent of searing-hot steam that can do you serious harm!
  • Add coolant or water only when the car is cool. You’ll have to wait a while, but adding coolant or water to a hot engine can do significant damage.

If you have a long trip in hot weather planned, call and ask for a pre-trip inspection. It may give you the peace of mind you need to enjoy your holiday. Click the SERVICE REQUEST button below and when you get on the road, have fun and stay safe!

Published by® on behalf of West Coast Nissan
Includes copyrighted material of® and its suppliers.