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Stunning Shots
Tips for Taking Great Nature Photos

Nature offers some spectacular photo opportunities. If you wish your shots could more accurately reflect the landscapes you see, then there are many ways you can improve.

Taking photos of nature is highly rewarding, leaving you with beautiful pictures to look back on and preserving some of your favourite memories. It’s even better when you take a shot that really captures the scene and instantly draws in the viewer. No matter what type of gear you use, here are six tips to help you take those stunning nature photographs.

1. Consider the lighting

Photography is all about the lighting. The easiest times to take the best shots are the “golden hours” after the sun rises or before it sets when everything is bathed in a warm glow. During other times of day, shooting with the sun at your back will ensure an evenly lit frame while shooting into the sun can have a more dramatic effect but is a bit trickier to do just right. The soft light on overcast days can also have a nice effect on wide landscape shots.

2. Choose a focal point

Almost any type of nature image, even landscape photos, can benefit from being centred around a strong focal point. Having a clear point of interest in the frame will draw the viewer’s attention and make for a more pleasing image overall. The focal point can be a particular tree, a specific mountain peak, an entire mountain, or even a reflection on the water. A defining feature makes for a defined photograph.

3. Play with composition

The way you choose to frame your shot can have a dramatic effect on the visual and even emotional impact of the photo. Sometimes, the focal point or the subject is best served by being placed directly in the centre of the frame. This can be particularly striking for square photos. Other times, however, placing your subject or focal point on one side of the image will give it a more dynamic feel.

4. Include the foreground

The trick to truly captivating landscape photography is to include a bit of foreground interest as well. For example, even if the focus of the photo is the landscape and the sky, you can also show some of the pathway you are walking on for extra impact. Adding foreground into the shot gives the photo more depth, making the viewer feel as if they are really there.

5. Capture some motion

Another way to make a nature shot seem more dynamic is to capture some form of movement. This could include a cascading waterfall, a flowing river, birds flying by, a four-legged critter strolling by, or even tree branches blowing in the wind. As with including foreground, adding motion to your shot will make the scene feel more real and immediate.

6. Take many shots!

The more photos you take, the greater chance you have that one will turn out perfectly. Maybe, in one shot, the light hit the camera just right, or the scene was suddenly framed in a visually striking way. More photos also mean more practice and opportunity to learn which techniques work for you.

Capturing stunning views of nature in a photograph is no easy feat but, by trying out some of these tips, you might end up with shots you can be really proud of. Plus, no matter how the photos turn out, they will serve as memories of a beautiful place.

Published by® on behalf of West Coast Mazda
Includes copyrighted material of® and its suppliers.