June 2020

Cover Page

Effective July 2nd
Parts and Service hours
8 – 5:30 Monday to Friday
8:30 – 5:00 Saturday
Closed Sunday

Outdoor Getaway
Camping Safely and Responsibly During COVID-19

Many Canadians have put their international and even cross-country travel plans on hold this summer, but they can now swap those plans for a vacation at a nearby campground.

With COVID-19 restrictions loosening up around the country, people are looking forward to getting out of the house and spending some time outdoors. Though rules vary depending on the jurisdiction, many campsites have been allowed to open for the season. This is because camping is a relatively low-risk activity as long as you take some basic precautions.

If you are planning a camping trip, then here are five tips to help you stay safe and camp responsibly.

1. Only go camping with members of your household

Physical distancing rules will still be in effect at your campground, so you should only go camping with other members of your household and keep group sizes at the allowable level. When interacting with other campers who are not a part of your household, you must maintain a distance of at least two metres, and try to keep exchanges short. Make sure you follow any other guidelines and regulations set out by your province and by the campground as well.

2. Practice good hygiene during your trip

While factors like blowing wind and warm weather make it less likely to catch viruses outside, you should continue practicing good hygiene like handwashing and not sharing food and utensils with others. Make sure you pack items like hand sanitizers and all of the supplies you’ll need to keep camp clean.

3. Take precautions when using shared facilities

You can take comfort in the fact that open campgrounds will need to follow enhanced cleaning and sanitation guidelines for washrooms and shower facilities. However, you can also take some extra steps to protect yourself when using such facilities. This includes bringing your own toilet paper and soap, wearing sandals or water shoes in the shower, and using these facilities during less busy times to ensure proper social distancing.

4. Minimize detours on the way to the campground

Heading straight to the campsite after leaving home is the best way to minimize potential exposure at places like restaurants and rest stops along the way. Bring enough food from home for the road and leave with a full tank of gas. If you do need to stop at a rest stop, make sure you practice good hygiene, and try to avoid paying with cash if you have to get supplies.

5. Don’t go camping if you are symptomatic

Finally, remember that the best way you can help keep others safe is to stay home if you have symptoms of COVID-19, such as a runny nose, dry cough, and fever. Make sure you follow all of the protocols for where you live and focus on getting healthy so that you can head out again later in the season.

Camping is a great way to spend time with your family while enjoying the outdoors. By staying mindful of your surroundings and being considerate of others, you can all have a fun and healthy trip.

Published by DrivingSuccess.ca® on behalf of West Coast Mazda
Includes copyrighted material of DrivingSuccess.ca® and its suppliers.