September 2020

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Mask Tips: Wearing Face Coverings Correctly and Comfortably
Simple tips for wearing your mask.

Many jurisdictions across Canada have made face coverings mandatory or recommended in public areas like malls and grocery stores. Wearing a mask or covering may also be a policy at your work or in shared areas of residential buildings, particularly when you can’t maintain social distancing.Many jurisdictions across Canada have made face coverings mandatory or recommended in public areas like malls and grocery stores. Wearing a mask or covering may also be a policy at your work or in shared areas of residential buildings, particularly when you can’t maintain social distancing.

For masks to be effective in reducing the spread of COVID-19, they need to be worn correctly. Here is what you should know in order to stay safe and comfortable.

How to Put on a Mask
Putting on a mask may seem like a simple task, but there are some important steps involved in making sure it is done in a sanitary way.

• Wash your hands with soap and water or apply an alcohol-based hand sanitizer before touching your mask.
• Handle the mask only by its ear loops or ties.
• Make sure your mask is dry before wearing it.
• Inspect your mask for any holes or tears before putting it on.
• Make sure the ear loops or ties are properly secured and that the mask fully covers your mouth and nose.

How to Wear a Mask
While wearing a mask, here is some helpful advice to keep in mind:

• Do your best not to adjust or otherwise touch your mask when wearing it.
• If you do need to touch your mask, wash or sanitize your hands before and after.
• Don’t hang your mask from your ears or around your neck.
• Don’t lower your mask to talk to someone.
• Don’t share your mask with anyone else.

Tips for glasses wearers:
To wear a mask without fogging up your glasses, try to find one that has a piece of metal near the nose which you can shape to create a tighter seal. Putting your glasses over your mask can also help to create a better seal and prevent hot air from rising and fogging your lenses.

How to Remove a Mask

To remove a mask in a sanitary way, make sure you take these basic precautions:
• Wash or sanitize your hands before and after removing the mask.
• Try not to touch the front of the mask.
• Remove the mask by its ear loops or ties.
• Remove and replace your mask if it has become damp.

Disposing Of/Cleaning a Mask

When you are done wearing a mask, you must either properly dispose of it or clean it, depending on the type of mask you have.

• Single-use masks should be discarded in a plastic-lined garbage bin after you are finished using them.
• Reusable masks should be thoroughly washed and dried before being stored in a clean paper or plastic bag.
• Do not leave your mask anywhere where others might make contact with it.

The goal of using a mask is to limit your chance of unknowingly spreading the virus, thereby protecting others. When worn correctly and combined with frequent hand washing and physical distancing, face coverings can help us continue to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Published by® on behalf of West Coast Mazda
Includes copyrighted material of® and its suppliers.