May 2021

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Living Space Refresh
Top Tips for Decluttering Your Home

Taking the time to clear up some clutter will make your home cleaner, more organized, and more efficient. It will be a much more relaxing space to spend time in and, if you work from home, it can boost your productivity as well. The process tends to get easier once you get going and catch the decluttering bug, but the trick is knowing where to begin.

Start Small

Decluttering a home can feel like a big task at first. If you find yourself getting a little overwhelmed, then simply start small. Even devoting five minutes a day to tackling one area is better than not starting at all. Another strategy that might work for you is to throw away, recycle, donate, or give away just one item every day. If you feel up to it, you can gradually increase the time spent decluttering or the number of items removed.

Tackle Your Closet

One of the easiest ways to get into the decluttering mindset is to start with your closet. If you have trouble with clutter around the house, then chances are that your closet could use clearing out as well. Strive for a closet that only contains clothing you wear on a regular basis. For example, if it has been a whole year and all four seasons since you wore a piece, it doesn’t have much business staying in your closet any longer.

Forget About Sunk Cost

Sometimes, people have a hard time letting go of something because of the price they paid for it, which is known as a “sunk cost.” However, if you aren’t using the item and won’t be in the future, then the truth is it no longer has any real value to your life. You can sell it to recoup some of the money or simply donate or throw it away for your peace of mind and happiness, which is ultimately more valuable.

Clear All Surfaces

Flat surfaces in the home are a magnet for clutter. Tabletops, countertops, shelves, and other surfaces attract odds and ends that can end up laying around. While there are definitely some frequently used items that you can keep out and accessible, anything that you don’t use regularly should be put away. Focusing on flat surfaces will quickly help any room feel less cluttered.

Give Everything a Home

You can’t clear clutter if you don’t have a place to put it. When you pick up an item while decluttering, use it as an opportunity to give that item a permanent home. That way, the next time you use the item, you’ll know exactly where to return it to when you are finished with it.

Create More Storage

The only way to ensure that everything has a home is to have enough storage. Some easy suggestions for creating more storage in the home include organizing drawers and cupboards more efficiently, putting up hooks near the entryways, and making use of bins and baskets to keep everything corralled.

Refresh your living space and make it a place you enjoy spending time in by committing to cleaning up the clutter. Once everything has a place where it belongs, your surfaces will stay clear, and your mind will feel clearer as well.

Published by® on behalf of West Coast Mazda
Includes copyrighted material of® and its suppliers.