January 2020

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Rideshare is now in the Greater Vancouver Area and you can get your vehicle inspected with us - call us today.

All rideshare drivers require annual mandatory inspections and we are now a licenced inspection facility for vehicles enrolling in the new ridesharing program.


Winter Home Maintenance
Important Tasks During the Cold Season

A change of seasons means a change in the home maintenance tasks you need to turn your attention to. Proper home upkeep is especially important during the winter months.

The harsh, cold, and long Canadian winters can be tough on a home. Both the interior and the exterior of your home will require some extra work, but putting in the effort is certainly worth it. Keep warm, cozy, and safe inside all season long by staying on top of these six tasks.

1. Watch out for ice dams

Ice dams occur when snow that melts due to heat coming from your roof freezes again around the eaves. This creates a dam of ice that prevents water from draining off your roof, which can easily lead to a roof leak. If you notice an ice dam beginning to form, you should carefully remove the accumulated snow and ice so that the water has a way to drain.

2. Clear snow away from your foundation

It’s not just your roof you have to watch out for during the winter, but your foundation as well. If too much meltwater seeps into the ground around your home, it can cause flooding in your basement. When you’re out shoveling your sidewalk and pathways, make sure you also shovel snow away from your home’s exterior and move it far enough away so that any meltwater drains away from the foundation.

3. Check your exterior vents

Over the course of the winter, it is important that you inspect your home’s exterior vents and make sure they aren’t covered by ice or snow. Blocked vents will cause your heating system to work less effectively and may lead to problems with moisture buildup that could end up damaging your home. Use a shovel or a brush to clear snow and ice away.

4. Keep cold air out

Drafts can also impact your energy efficiency and may make certain spots in your home uncomfortable. If you feel cold air seeping in, then take the time to fix the problem. This may mean applying new caulking and weatherstripping around doors and windows and sealing cracks in your foundation walls.

5. Replace your furnace filter regularly

As your furnace has to work around the clock during the colder months, you need to change the filter on a regular basis. The filter traps dust and debris from the air in your home and it can become dirty and clogged over time. Check your owner’s manual for how often to replace your furnace filter and how to do it properly.

6. Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors

While you should already be routinely checking your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, it is especially important in the winter when the house is sealed tighter and fires are more likely to occur. Test each device at least once a month so that you can trust them to function properly in case of a fire or a gas leak.

Prevention is always better than having to fix a problem after the fact. Make sure your home is in good shape come springtime by keeping up with all of your winter maintenance as soon as it comes up.

Published by DrivingSuccess.ca® on behalf of West Coast Mazda
Includes copyrighted material of DrivingSuccess.ca® and its suppliers.