June 2018

Cover Page

Please Note our Holiday Hours
Closed for Canada Day

Employee Spotlight
Terry Conibear

This month the employee spotlight is on our Financial Services Manager, Terry Conibear. Terry has only been with West Coast Ford Lincoln for a short time; starting in May but has been in the Automotive industry for 28 years and joins us with a wealth of experience and knowledge.

Join us in congratulating Ken Homeniuk on his success for the second consecutive month as our top sales person of the month. Ken has been working at West Coast Ford Lincoln for four years and prides himself on his excellent and thorough work! Ken is always looking out for his customers best interest and prides himself on his customer service.


Winning with Water
The Importance of Staying Hydrated

Drinking enough fluids is one of the keys to maintaining good health. With temperatures heating up, it’s becoming more and more important to make sure that you keep yourself properly hydrated.

The human body is made up of about 60% water. Every system in your body relies on the fluids you ingest every day. Because your body is almost constantly releasing moisture in some way, you need to stay on top of replenishing its fluids supply.

How Does the Body Use Water?

Without water, your body and all of its cells, tissues, and organs would not be able to function correctly. Water acts as a transport material that brings nutrients to all of your cells and that flushes away waste. It is also a solvent for the numerous chemical reactions going on in your body at any given moment.

Your body uses water to maintain blood volume, which is vital for ensuring proper blood circulation. Water is also crucial for helping the body regulate its temperature. Furthermore, water acts as a shock absorber, protecting your brain and your joints from impact. At the same time, it keeps the joints and the internal organs well lubricated, allowing for healthy motion and function.

What Are the Signs of Dehydration?

The signs of dehydration can range considerably from person to person, though it is usually characterized by a general feeling of unwellness along with some common accompanying symptoms. While thirst can be a good indicator that you are dehydrated, it should not be the only indicator that you rely upon. Other signs of dehydration include:

– Headache
– Fatigue
– Dry mouth
– Dizziness
– Lightheadedness
– Confusion
– Difficulty concentrating
– Little or no urine
– Muscle cramps

How Much Water Should I Drink?

Most people have heard the general rule of thumb that they should drink about six to eight glasses of water a day. This is a great starting point, but it can vary from person to person. It can also vary depending on the level of physical activity you are partaking in. On a low activity day, five glasses of water may be plenty. However, if you’re taking part in a physical activity out in the sun, then you may need as much as five litres to replenish the moisture you have lost.

Water is the best choice for staying hydrated, but drinks such as coffee, tea, juice, and pop can also contribute to your daily water intake. Specifically formulated sports drinks can help you stay properly hydrated if you are planning on high levels of exercise, as they will replace not only your lost fluids but your lost electrolytes and carbohydrates as well. Keep in mind that sports drinks and energy drinks are not the same thing. Energy drinks contain stimulating ingredients that can cause your body to lose water even faster.

A good deal of your daily fluid intake will also come from the foods you eat. Fruits, vegetables, and berries tend to be particularly high in water content. Soups and stews are also a good option for filling your belly with high-quality nutrients and providing your body with the water it needs for overall health and wellness.

Don’t worry, figuring out how much water you personally need is a simple process. You’ll quickly notice that you feel better on days when you’re drinking enough, and reaching for your water glass or water bottle throughout the day will soon become second nature.

Published by DrivingSuccess.ca on behalf of West Coast Ford Lincoln
Includes copyrighted material of DrivingSuccess.ca and its suppliers.