November 2018

Cover Page

Watch our video and learn more about the Free Wheel Alignment Check at West Coast Ford Lincoln Service Center. Visit us today!

Employee Spotlight
Aslam Ali – Sales Manager

Join us in welcoming our new Sales Manager, Aslam Ali to West Coast Ford Lincoln! Aslam has been with us for a short while but has been in the automotive industry for over 30 years. He comes to us with a lot of experience and knowledge and are we thrilled to have him on our team!

Join us in congratulating Ken Homeniuk on his success as Top Sales Person for the third consecutive month in a row. Ken has been working at West Coast Ford Lincoln for four years and prides himself on his excellent and thorough work!


Preparing for Winter
Fact: Winter Tires Save Lives -and Money

Despite the apparent advantages, many Canadian drivers still resist the idea of using winter tires. Many perceive them as an unnecessary expense. Some believe that winter tires have a higher rolling resistance coefficient and, as a consequence, offer less fuel economy. And there are those who do not intend to use winter tires for a variety of other reasons including a lack of storage room for another set of tires, a belief that their regular tires are satisfactory, and that their roads are well-maintained or their region does not receive much snow (Ipsos Reid 2010).

Gambling your safety and the safety of not only your passengers but every other driver and passenger travelling on the same roads is a terrible winter driving strategy. Even if there is only one day of really bad weather and dangerous driving conditions, that one drive to work could be more than enough to bring tragedy into your life if you are not prepared.

Don’t gamble. Don’t take the risk. Be prepared. As studies have shown, you are not actually saving money. You are simply accepting risks that you don’t need to accept. In its literature on fuel-efficient driving, the Natural Resources Canada publication Auto$mart advises that improved traction and reduced slippage from winter tire use not only improves safety but saves fuel (Natural Resources Canada 2007).

Here are a few more common winter tire myths:

  • Myth: Regular tires provide sufficient traction in winter.
    Reality: Winter tires are superior to summer tires and all-season tires in terms of traction, braking performance and cornering in all winter conditions; everything you need to maintain control of your vehicle.
  • Myth: Winter tires are only useful in regions with lots of snow.
    Reality: Winter tires outperform other types of tires during all winter conditions, including dry surfaces, once temperatures drop below +7 degrees Celsius.
  • Myth: Vehicles with ABS, Electronic Stability Control (ESC), all-wheel (AWD) or four-wheel drive do not need winter tires.
  • Reality: In winter driving conditions, such safety features like ABS, ESC, AWD or four-wheel drive are compromised without the use of winter tires. In the end, four spinning tires are no better than two spinning tires.
  • Myth: Two winter tires instead of a complete set of four winter tires is sufficiently safe.
    Reality: Mixing different types of tires can cause a vehicle to fishtail (swerve).

As of January 2010, several European countries with winters comparable to Canada made winter tires mandatory; these countries include Sweden, Estonia, Finland, Romania, and Slovenia. In Austria, Latvia, Norway and Slovakia, winter tires are required if weather conditions are adverse.

Among Canadian jurisdictions, Quebec is the only jurisdiction that has mandatory winter tire legislation throughout its borders and in British Columbia, vehicles must be equipped with winter tires or the operator must carry chains to be permitted access on designated roads (principally in mountainous terrain).

Be prepared for the worst, so that you can enjoy the best elements of wintertime driving. For more help in choosing the best winter tire option for you and your vehicle, click the SERVICE REQUEST button below.

Published by on behalf of West Coast Ford Lincoln
Includes copyrighted material of and its suppliers.