August 2018

Cover Page

Join us in congratulating David House on his accomplishments this past month! David has been working at West Coast Ford Lincoln for over two years and he has been in the automotive industry for over thirty-three years. With David’s vast knowledge of all things automotive, he is such a big asset to our team here at West Coast Ford Lincoln!

Employee Spotlight
Yan Boissonneault – Sales Manager

This month the employee spotlight is on Yan Boissonneault, our new Sales Manager at West Coast Ford Lincoln. Yan may be a new face to many but you may also recognize him from a few ago when he worked on the sales floor as one of our Sales and Leasing Consultants for 2 and a half years.


Safety in the Sun
6 Summer Health Hazards to Watch Out For

The hot and beautiful days of summer are among the most fun and exciting days of the year. However, summer also brings some unique health hazards that aren’t as common during the other seasons.

Thankfully, a lot of these risks can be successfully avoided as long as you realize what they are. Over the summer months, it is important to watch out for:

– Sunburn

The sun’s powerful and dangerous ultraviolet rays can cause exposed skin to burn even after just a short time outside. Not only are sunburns painful, but they increase your risk of developing skin cancer as well. You should always protect yourself by wearing sunscreen, frequently reapplying your sunscreen, and taking shelter in the shade if you have been outside for an extended period of time.

– Dehydration

Making sure you are properly hydrated, though important any time of the year, is especially vital in the summer. The more you sweat and exert yourself, the more fluids and electrolytes you will lose. Water itself may not be enough to keep you properly hydrated if you are taking part in a lot of outdoor activities in the summer heat, so try to drink sports drinks (not energy drinks!) that contain electrolytes.

– Bee and wasp stings

Bee and wasp stings, while certainly painful, are otherwise harmless to people who are not allergic to them. However, those who are allergic to stinging insects can develop a serious, life-threatening reaction after being stung. You should immediately get yourself to a doctor if you get stung by a bee or a wasp and experience chest tightness, trouble breathing, dizziness, swelling over a large area of your body, or swelling of your face or tongue.

– Drowning

There are a plethora of water activities that people partake in over the summer, including swimming, fishing, and boating. Unfortunately, drowning accidents claim thousands of lives every year. If you’re going to be spending time near water, then make sure you know how to swim, always wear a life jacket when out on open water, and never swim or go near water inebriated (no matter how good of a swimmer you may be when sober).

– Rashes

Almost everyone who spends time outdoors is bound to get some sort of mystery rash over the summer. Most are harmless and can be soothed with some anti-itch cream, though you should see a doctor if the rash won’t go away or is particularly bothersome, especially if you experience other symptoms as well. To avoid rashes, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the toxic plants in your area and to always wear gloves while doing yard work.

– Food poisoning

Picnics, barbeques, packed lunches for hikes – summer is the season for cooking and eating outdoors. Without paying heed to proper food safety, however, summer can also be the season when many people contract foodborne illnesses. You can avoid food poisoning by cooking meats to the proper temperature and making sure that food is always correctly stored and not left sitting out in the heat.

Nobody wants a day out at the beach or in the park to turn into a disaster because of injury, illness, or worse. Get the most enjoyment out of your summer by being aware of the possible risks and hazards to your health and taking the proper steps to avoid them.

Published by on behalf of West Coast Ford Lincoln
Includes copyrighted material of and its suppliers.