Starting Fresh

December 2021

Front Page

Starting Fresh
Health and Wellness Habits for the New Year

The New Year is a time many people use to reflect on their lives and try to find ways they can change things for the better. We’ve put together seven ways that can help you start living in a fuller and healthier way this coming year. You can think of them as resolutions, or you can simply resolve to change up your lifestyle for the better and pick the strategies that best work for you.

Get Regular Exercise

When trying to improve your health and wellness, the best advice is always going to be to get more exercise. Staying physically active is the key to overall health, helping you fight disease, maintain a healthy weight, keep your heart and bones strong, and more. Think of a new physical activity that you would like to try and make time for it in your schedule as you start the new year.

Start Eating Better

Exercise and eating right go hand-in-hand, so improve what’s on your plate as you start exercising more. It’s okay to start small with sustainable changes that you know you can stick with, like increasing your intake of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Over time, you can start taking a closer look at your diet to make sure you are getting all the right nutrients.

Prioritize Sleep

The importance of getting enough quality sleep also cannot be overstated. Sleep boosts your immune system, gives you the energy to exercise, can help ward off heart attack and stroke, and will keep you more alert and functional during the day. Don’t sacrifice a good night’s rest.

Improve Your Relationships

Healthy social relationships play a big role in feelings of wellness, staving off loneliness and isolation and keeping you connected to others. Satisfying relationships with friends and family will help you feel happier and more fulfilled, so make time to see your loved ones and commit to keeping in touch, even if just by phone or text.

Learn Something New

Learning something new is a great way to improve your confidence and instill a greater sense of purpose in your life. Perhaps you would like to pick up a new language or learn to play a musical instrument. If there’s something you’ve been wanting to learn for a while, there’s no better time to start.

Drink More Water

Staying hydrated is important, but it can be easy to forget to drink during your busy days. It’s a good idea to invest in a quality water bottle that you can always keep nearby. Another key point is that you should strive to drink more water rather than beverages that contain a lot of sugar or are too high in caffeine. When you’re thirsty, start reaching for the clear stuff.

Lower Your Stress

You can’t avoid stress completely, but there are many ways you can help mitigate it. Try to cut back if you find yourself taking on too much, or ask for help from others when you need it. Trying out meditation or just taking some time for yourself to breathe and relax every day can reduce stress in your daily life as well.

The best way to a new you in 2022 is to prioritize and make time for healthier habits. By getting more exercise, water, and sleep, improving your diet and your relationships, limiting your stress, and learning something new, you can help ensure your best year yet.

Published by® on behalf of Driving Success Sales Demo
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