Heating Your Home

December 2021

Front Page

Heating Your Home
Wood Fireplace Use and Maintenance Tips

If you have a wood-burning fireplace at home, you should take advantage of the warmth and ambience it can provide on dark and chilly winter nights. There’s nothing quite like a crackling fire and, as long as you use your fireplace safely and responsibly, you can reap all of the benefits that it has to offer. Below are some important tips for using and maintaining your fireplace all season long.

Fireplace Use Tips

Using a fireplace is relatively simple once you get the knack for building a fire. Here are three points to remember each time you get your kindling ready:
• Ensure that your fireplace has a screen to keep embers from jumping out of the fireplace and into the room, and keep it closed while the fire is going.
• Before you even start building a fire, make sure you open the damper all the way. If the damper is closed, then all of the smoke and other toxic fumes will spill directly into your home. If the damper won’t open all the way, have it checked by a professional before use.
• Use only seasoned kindling and firewood in your fireplace. Green wood is too full of moisture, creates too much smoke, and leaves more creosote behind, increasing your chances of a chimney fire.

Fireplace Fire Safety Tips

Fireplaces are not without their risks, especially if you don’t prioritize fire safety when using them. Brush up on these fire safety tips before your first fire of the season:
• Any flammable objects in the room should be kept at least three feet away from the fireplace.
• Make sure you have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors installed, and check on a regular basis that they are in good working conditions.
• Keep a fire extinguisher somewhere close and easily accessible to the room your fireplace is located in.

Fireplace Maintenance Tips

Your fireplace needs routine maintenance to help ensure safe and proper operation. The three most important routine fireplace maintenance tasks are:
• Remove ash from the firebox after it has started building up, as too much ash can hinder the airflow in the fireplace and increase the chances of a fire. Make sure that the fire is completely out and that the ash is cold before you start.
• While cleaning out the firebox, look for any signs of damage like loose or missing bricks or large cracks. If you see damage, don’t use your fireplace until it is repaired.
• Have your fireplace cleaned and inspected by a professional at least once a year. This will clean out any built-up creosote and make sure that it is still in good working condition.

The warmth and glow of a wood-burning fire can hold back the chill and darkness of a winter night. By using your fireplace correctly, keeping fire safety in mind, and taking the time to keep your fireplace maintained, you’ll get to enjoy it to its fullest extent.

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