Humidifying at Home

January 2022

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Humidifying at Home
Combatting Dry Indoor Air Over the Winter

Over the winter, the combination of dry indoor air and heavy use of home heating leaves the air inside of your home with very little extra moisture. As the cold air seeps inside and you crank up the heating even more, the problem only gets worse. Let’s take a look at what issues this might cause and what you can do about it.

Problems Caused by Dry Indoor Air

Dry air can create multiple problems for your home, your health, and your comfort. Many people develop issues like chapped lips, dry and irritated skin, and dry and irritated nasal passages. Dry air can also aggravate allergies and other respiratory illnesses. It can even cause damage to your home in the form of cracked and peeling wallpaper and cracked and warped wood. Don’t forget about those static shocks that seem to occur whenever you touch just about anything in your home!

Tips for Increasing Home Humidity

To increase home humidity, you have to add more moisture into your indoor air and take steps to help your home retain it. Here are some tips for combatting a dry indoor environment depending on your unique situation.

1. Install a Whole-Home Humidifier

Getting a whole-home humidifier is the most effective way to keep your home’s indoor air at a comfortable humidity level and reduce problems associated with dry air. It represents an investment, but it can also increase the overall value of your home.

2. Use Portable Humidifiers

If a whole-home humidifier isn’t an option, then you can also get excellent results by placing portable humidifiers strategically around your house. There is a plethora of different portable humidifiers available on the market, each with unique features to suit your needs and at an array of price points to suit your wallet as well.

3. Try Some DIY Humidifying

In a pinch, you can make your home’s air more humid by leaving out bowls of water in different rooms. Even better–if you place the bowls near sources of heat, like vents or radiators, it will encourage the water to evaporate more quickly.

4. Seal Up Your Home

The more cold air that seeps into your home from doors, windows, crawl spaces, and attics, the more you will have to crank up the heat and the dryer the air inside of your home will get. Improve the effectiveness of your humidifying efforts by sealing up these air leaks with caulk, weather stripping, spray foam, or other insulating methods. Your air will retain more moisture and you’ll save on your heating bill, too.

Enjoy a more comfortable indoor environment this winter by choosing a method for increasing the moisture inside of your home and taking the time to seal up air leaks. With just some more humidity, you’ll be able to feel the difference in your skin and your sinuses and protect your home’s interior at the same time.

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