4100 Harvester Rd
Burlington, ON, L7L 0C1
(905) 632-5371

March 2021

Cover Page

Need some extra room in your garage/basement/shed? Storage programs available for summer or winter.

Powerhouse, Helen Birkby Retires
Memories from the past 38 years

Last month we said congratulations and goodbye to our first lady of solutions; Helen Birkby, who joined the Bellm family business in the 80’s at Gulliver motors in Hamilton.

38 years later, Helen has been the supreme authority for all things in the Halton Honda administration office.

When asked if she had a favourite HH moment, she replied: I have so many memorable moments. Halton Honda over the years has been a great place to work, a small family run dealership with good values. I look back with great appreciation of the values the founder John Bellm insisted on, he built a great foundation (and I have to mention the many treats he would bring us). I also really enjoyed working with Richard (Bellm) and the computer programmer to build our first computer system, probably dates back to about 1983. I found that very rewarding and thank Richard and Peter (Bellm) for that opportunity. I found a passion working on computers.

Will you continue working on computers in retirement? I’m looking to relax and catch up on some home projects. When the pandemic is over and all being well, I would like to go on a cross Canada road trip through Alberta to visit with family, revisit Banff, maybe travel onto Vancouver Island. I’d also like to travel East to visit friends.

What will you miss most +/or least? I loved helping people over the years. I felt great satisfaction finding solutions to make their life easier. I loved mentoring my younger staff members and helping them with career decisions, a number of them have followed their dream.

Mentoring staff through the years, like Karen and Dianna.

I will also miss the comradeship of all the long-standing friendships and work relationships that I have built over the years. I will definitely not miss the stress of month end deadlines for financial statements and having to book vacations around month end deadlines and payroll commitments. Free at last!

Some of the old Fairview street administration team, Liticia, Cara, Jackie Helen and spouses.

Our Office Manager Joanne Bellm, sums it all up, “During Helen’s career at Halton Honda, she has worn many hats (controller/office manager/payroll administrator/IT) and I know many of us think of her as our ‘go-to-person’. Helen has been a role model to me and has taught me so much over these last few years and I know we will all miss her tremendously!”

Technician Specky came in to say goodbye

From all of the Halton Honda and Halton Autolease teams: THANK YOU Helen, for your years of dedicated work and for having all the answers. We all wish you the very best in retirement and in your new adventures!

Published by DrivingSuccess.ca® on behalf of Halton Honda
Includes copyrighted material of DrivingSuccess.ca® and its suppliers.