4100 Harvester Rd
Burlington, ON, L7L 0C1
(905) 632-5371

March 2021

Cover Page

Need some extra room in your garage/basement/shed? Storage programs available for summer or winter.

Halton Honda Staff Compete to See who will be the Biggest Loser

Last month our resident foodie and salesman extraordinaire, Greg Berg went to management to revive an old weight loss challenge the sales staff used to do. With a year of the Covid diet (comfort food and homemade bread) under our now expanded belts; our General Manager Shams Ahmad, thought it was a great idea but should be opened up to the entire staff and extended over 8 weeks.

Salesman Greg Berg sharing another delicious Num Num recipe with coworkers.

“The Pandemic era has been a tough one for all of us.” says Shams “Mental health has been a key focus in our lives, and exercise and a healthy mindset is recognized as an essential element in building and maintaining mental fitness. With this challenge, we wanted to motivate everyone to make healthy choices and exercise. Healthier employees are happier employees.”

Halton Honda General Manager, Shams Ahmad.

To make it even more appealing to join in, foster a healthier mindset and motivate participants; a 1st place prize of $1,000.00 cash to the staff member with the greatest weight loss percentage, and a 2nd place prize of $250.00 to the participant with the highest weight loss recorded in their department (5 different departments).

A few of the participants that are “In it, to win it!”

Over 30 participants do a weigh-in every Monday to stay on track. The biggest challenge for many will be staying strong through the Easter weekend for the final weigh-in on April 5th.

Those tasty chocolate bunnies just might blow up someone’s chances for big winnings!


Published by DrivingSuccess.ca® on behalf of Halton Honda
Includes copyrighted material of DrivingSuccess.ca® and its suppliers.