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December 2022

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Cravings Outsmarted
Healthier Substitutes for Your Favourite Snacks

When you want to change up your diet and start eating a little healthier, snacks are one of the main areas to focus on. We can inadvertently eat a lot of extra calories and unhealthy fats simply through our snacking habits. Thankfully, many of your favourite snacks have excellent alternatives that can still satisfy those cravings.

Instead of Potato Chips, Try Kale Chips

You’ve probably heard of kale chips before, and for good reason. Kale is packed full of nutrients and is much better for you than potato chips. Best of all, baked kale crisps up nicely for that satisfying, chip-like crunch. Toss them in olive oil, sprinkle with salt or your favourite seasoning, and enjoy! You can even portion it out into bags for that classic chip-eating experience.

Instead of Candy, Try Frozen Fruit

If you want to satisfy a frequent sweet tooth, keep a bag of frozen fruit in the freezer. This convenient and refreshing snack can be eaten straight from the bag and since you have to eat it slowly, you’ll be satisfied faster. You can also mix frozen fruit into yogurt, cook it with oatmeal, or blend it into a smoothie.

Instead of French Fries, Try Veggie Fries

Potato fries are comfort food, but these fried goodies aren’t exactly great for you in a nutritional sense. A good alternative is to cut vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, or parsnips into thin, fry-like shapes, brush them lightly with olive oil, sprinkle them with salt, and bake them. They’ll come out with that same great crispy exterior and soft interior.

Instead of Regular Chocolate, Try Dark Chocolate

Chocolate lovers might find it difficult to switch from regular to dark chocolate, but it’s well worth it. Once you acquire the taste, even just a few dark chocolate squares will satisfy your cravings. Plus, you’ll consume less sugar and more beneficial nutrients like iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, and even antioxidants.

Instead of Pretzels, Try Nuts

Pretzels might not seem like some of the worst snack food culprits, but they are often made with refined flour, processed oil, and sugar, and can be high in sodium. On the other hand, nuts are packed full of beneficial nutrients, fibre, and healthy fats, making for a good alternative. They can be a little high in fat, but even smaller portions will leave you satisfied.

Instead of Soda, Try Flavoured Sparkling Water

Many people drink soda because the effervescence is refreshing and cuts nicely through rich flavours. However, sugary drinks can be a major source of calories you don’t realize you are consuming. An easy way to get off soda is to switch to lightly flavoured sparkling water. Many varieties come with zero calories and zero sugar, and the flavour options are endless as well, making it easy to find something you will like.

Eating healthier starts with small changes like paying attention to the foods you snack on. Picking better snacks will empower you to make better food choices all around.

Published by DrivingSuccess.ca® on behalf of Halton Honda
Includes copyrighted material of DrivingSuccess.ca® and its suppliers.