4100 Harvester Rd
Burlington, ON, L7L 0C1
(905) 632-5371

March 2021

Cover Page

Need some extra room in your garage/basement/shed? Storage programs available for summer or winter.

Apprentices Level Up
Congratulations on graduating

Halton Honda had 14 Techs pre Covid and understands that with evolving designs and new technology rollouts, the automotive industry demands continuous training. It challenges the modern automotive technician’s expertise and makes them a vital component of the mobility of society.

To be a licensed technician in Ontario you must apprentice before you start the in-class component. Carlos Moreno and Mustafa Fawaz completed courses that counted towards the mandatory in-school training hours for Ontario apprenticeships. All the while, working here to gain the hands-on problem-solving skills you can only get from an active garage.

A new toy for Moose. Only Honda will do – right Moose?

While speaking with both Carlos and Mustafa for this article, they both couldn’t say enough about how much help, advice and support they got from their co-workers that helped them in the lead-up to writing their final exam in the fall.

“I finished my schooling” says Carlos “while working at another dealership a couple of months before I started here (two years ago) and since then my technical knowledge has just gone up, so it definitely prepared me to write my license. That was thanks to guys around me, I learnt a lot of new stuff in the past two years. The test wasn’t the hard part, just being mentally ready for the switch to a licensed Technician’s pay structure.”

Carlos and Honda Platinum Technician, Alex Marchese before the lockdown

I asked Mustafa (or as everyone affectionately calls him, Moose) what he likes about working at Halton Honda, “I love the guys that I work with!” he exclaimed with no hesitation. “Ever since I started working here, I look forward to coming in and getting into new challenges and learning something new. For the last 3 years I’ve been doing one day a week in class and 4 days here at work. Working with Specky but all the guys have been a great help.”

Mustafa broke down the language barrier (Specky’s Scottish accent) and credits 31-year H.H. veteran and Honda Platinum Technician, Gary McCalman with a lot of his success.

In a well-run garage, collaboration is essential. Customers benefit from a huge (vast) knowledge base and years of experience, making diagnoses faster and more accurate. While behind the scenes everyone’s job is made a little easier.
“You can always count on Moose and Carlos for anything and everything.” Says Halton Honda Service Manager, Benny Joseph. “Moose and Carlos are very knowledgeable, detailed and efficient at what they do. They are both always willing to help no matter the situation.”

Apprentices like Moose and Carlos, excel with the support and guidance they get from the Technicians around them, while learning real life skills and how to be masters at problem-solving. After all, isn’t that part of what a good Technician is? A technical Sherlock Holmes?

Congratulations Carlos and Mustafa on your achievement!

Published by DrivingSuccess.ca® on behalf of Halton Honda
Includes copyrighted material of DrivingSuccess.ca® and its suppliers.