July 2021

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Sun Smart
Keeping Safe from the Summer Heat

Summer is a season to enjoy the outdoors, but strong sun and high temperatures do call for a bit of caution. Keep yourself and your loved ones protected by following some simple tips.

After over a year of COVID-19 restrictions, everyone is understandably excited to spend time outside under the summer sun. If you want to make the most of this summer, then staying safe in the heat will ensure that you can enjoy it to the fullest.

Health Risks of Extreme Heat

Exposure to extreme heat isn’t just uncomfortable–it can pose a serious risk to your health as well. The risk is increased when it is humid outside, as your body will have a more difficult time regulating its temperature. Illnesses caused by overexposure to heat include heat rash, heat edema, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Infants, young children, older adults, and individuals with chronic illnesses are more susceptible to these conditions.

5 Tips to Stay Safe

Don’t worry; you don’t have to avoid the outdoors altogether to protect yourself from heat overexposure. A few smart precautions will allow you to relish in the nice weather without the unnecessary risk.

1. Be prepared

The first step to beating the heat is to know that it’s coming. Check your local weather forecast and pay attention to weather alerts so that you know what to expect. If a heat wave is approaching, then you’ll have the chance to get prepared.

2. Stay hydrated

One of the keys to keeping heat-related illnesses at bay is to make sure that you stay properly hydrated. Be proactive rather than waiting to feel thirsty, as thirst is not a great indicator of dehydration. Consider keeping a glass by the sink so that you are reminded to drink, and always bring a water bottle when leaving the house.

Sports drinks can also be good for replenishing electrolytes during physical exertion, like when doing yard work or taking a hike. Just make sure you are using a sports drink and not an energy drink, which can dehydrate you even further.

3. Dress for success

Your summer wardrobe should be full of light-colored, loose clothing that will let your skin breathe and won’t absorb the sun’s heat. Accessorizing with hats and sunglasses can be both fashionable and provide extra protection from the sun. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen to your exposed skin to help prevent sunburn as well.

4. Keep cool

During a heat wave, it is essential to keep your body temperature down. Try not to go outside during the hottest part of the day and look for ways to keep your home more comfortable, like closing the blinds, setting up fans, and making meals that don’t require the oven. If you are spending time outside, then try to find a shaded area where you can relax out of direct sunlight.

5. Vehicle safety

Children or pets should never be left alone in a parked vehicle during the summer, even on relatively mild days. Don’t count on a cracked window or tell yourself that you will be “back in a minute.” A car parked in direct sunlight can quickly heat up to well over 50 C, creating a very dangerous situation. It is best to find solutions that don’t require leaving your vulnerable loved ones behind.

Don’t let the heat put a damper on your summer days. With a little bit of forethought and a few easy precautions, you can experience the beautiful summer weather in a way that keeps you and your family safe.

Published by DrivingSuccess.ca® on behalf of West Coast Toyota
Includes copyrighted material of DrivingSuccess.ca® and its suppliers.