July 2017

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Meet Aliahs Ahmadzai
Sales & Leasing Consultant

Sales & Leasing Consultant Aliahs Ahmadzai started with West Coast Mazda in April 2014; he came to the sales force with Parts & Service experience which really helps him when customers have technical questions about the cars.

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Wellness on the Move
How to Stay Healthy While Travelling

Many people leave their usual wellness habits at home when they travel, but it’s important to be mindful of your health even when exploring an exciting new locale.

While there’s no need to bring all of your usual eating and exercise habits with you on the road, you should definitely try to utilize some strategies for taking care of your body and mind when away from home. Here are seven tips to help keep your immune system strong and to keep stress at bay while travelling. 

– Don’t sacrifice sleep

Your sleep cycle is almost always going to take a hit when you travel, whether from jet lag or from a packed itinerary. You’ll need to make sleep a priority, even if it means missing out on a few late night or early morning outings. Sleep will help your body recover from the stress of travelling, and it will help keep your immune system strong as well.

– Walk where possible

It can be tempting to take cabs, buses, or your rental car everywhere when you’re in a new place, especially when you’re not familiar with the area. You should, however, try to fit in some walking wherever you can. If you’re headed to a restaurant that is only a few minutes from your hotel, for example, then look up the route and take a stroll there. You can even ask the front desk or concierge about the best way to walk to nearby places.

– Create a simple workout routine

A short workout that you can do in your room can be a great way to start your day when travelling. It ensures that you always get some exercise, even on slower days when all you do is sit on the beach and soak in the sun. Create a go-to routine involving simple exercises such as push-ups and sit-ups, or even a routine of some of your favourite yoga poses.

– Don’t skip meals

Don’t let the excitement of travelling cause you to skip any meals, especially breakfast. Breakfast will give you the energy to start your day, while lunch and dinner will give you the energy to keep going. Your body needs to receive the proper nutrients if you want to stay healthy while travelling.

– Choose smart meal options

Speaking of nutrients, you should try to choose smarter meal options wherever you can. You’ll want to try the local cuisine, but try to opt for fresh veggies and fruits instead of meat and fried foods if the choices are available. Even if you’re not a vegetarian, choosing a portion of your meals from the vegetarian menu at restaurants is a helpful little hack for eating well while travelling. 

– Limit your alcohol intake

Many people let themselves drink more alcohol on vacation than they normally would at home. While it’s completely fine to indulge a bit more than usual when travelling, just make sure that you aren’t binge drinking and that you’re not drinking every single night. Moderation is key.

– Stay hydrated

Finally, enough can’t be said about how important it is to stay hydrated, especially when travelling. Drinking enough water will help you feel more refreshed, energized, and ready to tackle everything you’ve got planned. Carrying a water bottle around will help you stay hydrated and prevent you from spending a small fortune on bottled beverages.

Nobody wants their exciting vacation ruined by illness or by a body that is just feeling too tired and sluggish to go exploring. Keep the above tips in mind, and you’ll have no trouble staying healthy while you travel.

Published by MyAutoNews.ca on behalf of West Coast Mazda
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