April 2018

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Glenn Bonderud is a very lucky man, not only has he worked for the West Coast Auto Group and West Coast Mazda for over 19 years and the Mazda brand for over 44 years; he had a heart valve replaced in January of last year and continues his career as Master Technician.

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Money Wrangling
How to Rein in Your Spending Habits

It can be all too easy to fall into out-of-control spending habits. If it has happened to you, you’re certainly not alone, and there are many steps you can take to correcting the situation.

Living within your means and keeping control of your finances is essential for cutting down on stress and keeping a little extra in the bank for emergencies. It does take a bit of time and patience to take a serious look at your spending and draw up an effective management strategy, but the effort will be worth it in the long term. Here are five tips to help you get your spending under control.

Tip #1 – Watch your statements

The only way to start getting a handle on your spending is to actually become aware of how much money you are spending every month and on what. Online banking has made it easier than ever to keep track, so make a habit of logging in to your account on a regular basis, perhaps even every evening, to see your recent and pending transactions. Watching where your money is going will alert you to frivolous purchases and perhaps even to subscriptions and reoccurring payments that you didn’t know you were still making.

Tip #2 – Draw up a budget

Once you have a better idea of where you tend to spend your money, open up a spreadsheet and draft a monthly budget. You’ll want to include expenses such as rent, utility bills, cell phone and internet bills, and monthly grocery spending. Make sure you cover all of the necessities first, set aside some money to save second, and only then allot yourself some extra spending cash for non-necessities. Seeing how much you actually have to play with every month can help you make smarter choices when you are out and about (or when shopping online).

Tip #3 – Take inventory

It’s easy to make a frivolous purchase because you forgot or didn’t realize that you already had the item at home, tucked away and forgotten. Before you spend any more money on clothes or household items, try to take an inventory of everything you already have. Organize your closet and do a quick clean-up of your place, and you might be surprised at what turns up!

Tip #4 – Stretch for quality

If it turns out that you do truly need to go shopping for something new, then try to stretch your budget a bit to shop for quality. Taking the time to check out product reviews before making your decisions can be a good idea as well. Buying cheap might seem tempting when you’re trying to rein in your spending habits, but you’ll just end up spending more money, in the long run, to repair or replace the item sooner than if you had bought something of higher quality.

Tip #5 – Don’t shop for sales

It’s great to find a big sale but only if it’s on something you were already looking for or if you would need the item some time in the near future. If you don’t need or don’t really like the item, then no price will truly make it a smart purchase. Waiting for items that you need to go on sale is a good strategy, but don’t just go shopping for sales themselves.

Your spending habits and bank statements might not change overnight, but it’s important not to get disappointed. Just keep making smart financial choices when you get the opportunities to do so, and you’ll develop numerous beneficial habits that will make a big impact over the long term.

Published by MyAutoNews.ca on behalf of West Coast Mazda
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