May 2019

Cover Page

Employee Spotlight
Teigra Stuart – Accounts Receivable/Payable

This month our Employee Spotlight is on Teigra Stuart who takes on an important role for our West Coast Auto Group. Teigra has been with the auto group for almost 4 years; when she first started she was a weekend receptionist at our Mazda location then moved to the evening receptionist position. At the end of 2018, Teigra took on her new role in our Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Department.

Join us in congratulating Scott Trowell on his success as Top Sales Person for the month of April. Scott has been working at West Coast Ford Lincoln for two and half years but has been in the automotive industry for 8 years – 6 of those years with Ford and Lincoln.


Top Sales Person of the Month
Scott Trowell

Join us in congratulating Scott Trowell on his success as Top Sales Person for the month of April. Scott has been working at West Coast Ford Lincoln for two and half years but has been in the automotive industry for 8 years – 6 of those years with Ford and Lincoln.

Scott most enjoys working at West Coast Ford Lincoln because “most of the staff and clients are my buds, everyday is just like hanging out with friends!” He says customers enjoying dealing with him because of his authenticity; he does things his own way while having fun, he says lots of laughs make the experience fun for the clients!

When Scott is not at work he loves to spend time outdoors; mountaineering, backpacking, biking, boarding, rock climbing and hiking with his dog, Robert. Scott also really enjoys travelling; him and his girlfriend, Kate, have been to Thailand, Mexico and Belize so far this year! He is also a licensed Pilot and loves to explore B.C. from the sky!

Next time you are in the area or looking to get into a new vehicle contact Scott Trowell at or phone at 604-789-3366.


Published by on behalf of West Coast Ford Lincoln
Includes copyrighted material of and its suppliers.