Benefits of Changing Your Air Filter

February 2017

Cover Page

Benefits of Changing Your Air Filter
Breathe easy while driving

The average Canadian spends about 240 hrs/ year or 30 work days per year in their car commuting to and from work.  But how clean is the air in your car?

The engine air filter may be one of the most up sold items in the entire automotive world. But do you really need to have your air filter replaced?

Each filter is designed to keep particles from damaging important and expensive components of your car, including the engine and transmission. Clean filters mean smoother, more energy efficient operation of the vehicle, and one of them actually addresses air quality for you and your riders.

Cabin air filter: These are used to filter out dust and debris from coming into the passenger compartment to keep the air healthy. It helps improve the air quality inside your vehicle, and provide a cleaner, more healthful driving environment. Most cars have at least one cabin air filter although there are some that don’t.  All of the air entering the vehicle, when the windows are closed of course, comes through the HVAC system. The heater, defroster, vent and air conditioner all get their air supply filtered through the cabin filter. The cabin filter is much like the air filter your engine uses to keep its air supply clean.

Engine air filter: Every engine has one, and you want to keep them clean. Dirt, debris and dust coming into the engine compartments can lead to sub-par performance. Having an old air filter can reduce engine power; increase engine wear and decrease throttle response when you push on the gas pedal. You need fresh air to come in to get optimum combustion. That explosion is what makes the car go. A dirty air filter will cause your engine to work harder, which alters the air flow into the engine and can reduce the power. Not changing it would be like trying to run with a clogged up nose and duct tape over your mouth.

Several factors determine how often the filter needs to be replaced, such as driving conditions, dusty roads, road construction or every 40,000 to 50,000km. Give our parts department a call for more details.

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Published by on behalf of Waterloo Honda
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