Goodbye Chia Pets, Hello Chia Diet

June 2017

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Goodbye Chia Pets, Hello Chia Diet
How to Add Chia Seeds to Your Food

Chia seeds rocketed to popularity in health food circles a few years ago, and continue to enjoy widespread acclaim due to just how easy it is to incorporate these little powerhouse seeds into any diet. 

While you shouldn’t believe claims that any one food has amazing curative properties or all of the nutrients you need, chia seeds actually live up to a lot of the excitement that surrounds them. They are packed full of dietary fiber, essential nutrients that your body needs for healthy functioning, and omega-3 fatty acids. 

Chia seeds have a mild, nutty flavour and a crunchy texture. Because they aren’t overpowering, they can be added to a variety of different foods and dishes. They go just as well with sweet as they do with savoury. If you’re looking for easy ways to add more chia seeds to your food, then here are some ideas to get you started. 

Add chia seeds to your yogurt 

One of the easiest ways to eat more chia seeds is to simply sprinkle some on top of your yogurt. Not only will this give your yogurt an extra punch of protein, but it will also introduce some crunchiness into its smooth texture. 

Make your own chia seed pudding 

If you enjoy chia seeds in your yogurt, then you will probably love making your own chia seed pudding. Simply combine one cup of any milk that you like (such as regular milk, coconut milk, or almond milk) with about three tablespoons of chia seeds, and refrigerate the mixture over night. The chia seeds will soak up the milk, and your resulting pudding will be similar to tapioca pudding. Add some fruits, spices, honey, maple syrup, coconut shavings, or any topping you would normally have with a pudding. 

Add chia seeds to your smoothies 

Another common way that people consume more chia seeds is by adding them to their daily smoothie. No matter what smoothie you normally make, you can add about a tablespoon or so of chia seeds to the mixture. Your smoothie shouldn’t taste much different, but it will now have an even higher nutritional value.

Make a chia seed crust for meat and fish 

If you regularly coat your fish or meat in white flour before baking it, then consider using a chia seed crust instead. All you have to do is mix 1 cup of almond or corn meal per 1 tablespoon of crushed chia seeds. You can add various other spices to the mixture in order to increase its nutrients and tastiness, such as garlic powder or turmeric. 

Substitute chia seeds for eggs 

Believe it or not, you can even substitute chia seeds for eggs! Whether you’re looking for ways to make a recipes vegan or you just want to try something new, just combine 1 tablespoon of ground chia seeds with 3 tablespoons of water. Let the mixture sit for about 15 minutes and it will provide the consistency of an egg in your recipes. 

Add chia seeds anywhere and everywhere! 

Chia seeds are incredibly versatile and can be used in so many more ways than those described here. Mix them into salads, toss them into your pancake batter, or use them in your homemade granola bars. You can even add them to your baked goods or simply sprinkle some overtop of any of your meals for an extra little crunch. 

Play around and see where you enjoy chia seeds best. Your imagination is truly the limit when it comes to adding more chia seeds to your food.

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