Magical Time in the Magic Kingdom

April 2017

Cover Page

A Magical Time in the Magic Kingdom
Tips for Making the Most Out of a Trip to Disneyland

It’s not every day that most Canadians get to take a trip to Disneyland, Anaheim, so you definitely want to make the most of your trip while exploring the Magic Kingdom and its next door neighbour, California Adventure.

Of course, you’re practically always guaranteed to have fun at Disneyland. But, if you want to get on all the rides, see all the shows, and make it a trip to remember, then this guide is for you.

1) Visit Disneyland in the spring time

When most people picture Disneyland, they picture large crowds and long lines. While this may be true of the busy summer season, you’ll encounter far fewer people and much shorter lines for rides and for food if you go in the spring. One of the best times to visit Disneyland and be able to enjoy both the warm weather and a less crowded park is from mid-April to mid-May. Keep in mind that you probably want to avoid early April because of spring break.

2) Make use of Fastpass tickets

Disneyland being Disneyland, you’ll still be faced with some wait times even if you go in the spring. One of the easiest ways to beat the lines and get on your favourite rides as many times as possible is to make use of Disney’s Fastpass tickets. Fastpass tickets are available for most of the park’s popular rides, and can be obtained at machines located near ride entrances. They allow you to come back at a certain time, enter through a special “Fastpass entrance,” and skip the majority of the line.

3) Snag seats early for fireworks and parades

Fireworks, parades, and other shows which take place in the Disneyland and California Adventure parks gather the majority of the people in the park in one place. If you want to make sure that you have a good view and that you aren’t too crowded, try to secure a spot to watch shows well ahead of time, perhaps even two hours in advance. Snag a bench or a front-row strip of sidewalk and use the time to have a meal. When you get to see the parades and fireworks in all their glory, you’ll be very glad you sat down early.

4) Take time to rest your feet

It might seem that the best way to go on as many rides and to see as much as you can is to constantly be on the move. However, if you push yourself too hard and end up with sore feet, then you’re not only going to be moving slower but you’ll also have a lot less fun. Take short breaks to sit down, have a snack, and keep hydrated. There are even numerous rides that you can hop and to give your feet a break, such as It’s a Small World and Pirates of the Caribbean.

5) Take a mid-day break

Finally, if you or anyone in your group is getting tired, then you should take a mid-day break to go back to your hotel so that you can spend time in the park in the evening, when there are smaller crowds. Don’t force yourself to stay during the hottest, most crowded times of day if that means you’ll have to turn in early. Closer to closing time, even the most popular ride wait times can get down to just 10-15 minutes!

You can certainly beat the lines and the crowds at Disneyland, and you don’t need secret insider information in order to do it. Just follow these five tips and you’re all set.

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